Month: May 2019
May 27th, 2019 release
Mold EX-Press Ver. 4 Installation DVD Release
The following are the main featured added to Version 4.
1. Installation and updating became much easy. *
* with installed CAD database for Network Install
As CAD database (5GB) is installed on a shared server, only basic program (1GB) needs to be installed on client PC. It also makes silent updates possible.
2. It can be used on a PC without Excel installed.
For previous versions, it was required to install Excel 2003 or higher before installation. Now it can be used on a PC without Excel installed.
3. User manual became much convenient.
The user manual introduces useful functions in addition to explain how to use the software.
You can view the manual by clicking the [Help]buttom in the Mold EX-Press home page, going to “Tutorials(How to use)” page of the user site, or opening “Help.html” in DVD *.
. * “Help.html” is not available from client PC as installing to a shared server.
Click here for a V4 installation DVD.
! If the previous version is already installed, it needs to be uninstalled in advance.
! Please check here for installation steps for individual PC.
! Please check here for installation steps for a shared server.